New Studio! Excited to start working here
I am delighted to be able to tell you that I have a new studio. I am still based in the Creative Hub, Bullring Mall, Wexford, however I have moved to this larger space – thank you Wexford Arts Centre and County Wexford Arts Department. I still have a bit more to do to make it feel like my workspace – but almost there.
Whilst I have moved my studio contents, the mall remains closed due to current restrictions – but I am very excited as it looks like we will be opening very soon.
How has lockdown been for you? I havent made much art whilst the studios were closed, but I did spend my time planning (well some of it anyway!) I also during this time had some great thought provoking, one to one mentoring with Eamonn Maxwell (again thanks to County Wexford arts department and of course to Eamonn). Plus I have had my website revamped, and whilst I am thanking people, thanks too for that to the local enterprise office and to Hilary Mullen of Designbytes.
I also have been busy working throughout with Wexford county council’s Arts Ability Programme. Actually check out the lovely online exhibition which opened on Wednesday here
So it has been a funny sort of time. I cannot remember when I spent such a long time away from my studio practice. However feeling energised and excited at the prospect of being back very soon. I cant wait to welcome visitors in to the space.